Fulfillment Policy

Please read our policies for your reference and familiarisation with how we work with our clients, deliver the service, make refunds, and cancel projects and payments.

What Policies We Have

  • Payment Acceptance: Methods of payment, procedure of payment.
  • Refunds: Our detailed Refund and Cancellation Policy outlines the conditions for refunds, ensuring transparency and customer satisfaction.
  • Delivery: Services are delivered electronically, with timelines communicated at the time of order. We aim to meet deadlines and inform clients of any delays.
  • Returns: As our services are digital, returns are not applicable. However, we address quality concerns through our Refund Policy.
  • Cancellations: Clients can cancel orders before work commences, as detailed in our Refund and Cancellation Policy.

Payment Acceptance

Methods of payment, payment procedure
Payment Acceptance Policy for Universal Language Solution LP

This Payment Acceptance Policy applies to the payment methods and terms for the translation services offered by the Company through its website https://russian-translation.co.uk (the "Services"). This Policy outlines the acceptable payment methods and the conditions under which payments are accepted.

1. Accepted Payment Methods
1.1. Stripe Merchant:
We accept payments via Stripe, which allows for secure transactions using major debit and credit cards. Clients can make payments by following the payment link in the Online Invoice issued by Stripe and sent to the Client via email.
1.2. Bank Transfer:
Clients may also choose to pay for our Services via bank transfer. Payment instructions and details will be provided upon request or at the time of order placement.
2. Accepted Currencies
We accept payments in the following currencies:
British Pounds (GBP)
Euros (EUR)
United States Dollars (USD)
The currency for payment will be determined based on the Client's location or as agreed upon at the time of order placement.
3. Payment Terms
3.1. Advance Payment for Small Projects:
For small projects, full payment is required in advance before the commencement of the translation work. Upon receipt of payment, the project will be scheduled and completed according to the agreed-upon timeline.
3.2. Partial Payments for Large Projects:
For large projects, payments may be divided into halves or other agreed-upon parts. The first installment is typically required before the commencement of the work, with subsequent payments due at agreed milestones or upon the completion of certain phases of the project.
4. Payment Confirmation
Upon successful payment, Clients will receive a payment confirmation via email. This confirmation serves as proof of payment and will be referenced in the fulfillment of the Services.
5. Late Payments
In the event of late payments, we reserve the right to suspend work on the project until the outstanding payment is received. Additional terms regarding late payments may be outlined in the service agreement or order confirmation.
6. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or to request payment instructions, please contact us at:
Email: contact@russian-translation.co.uk
Watsapp: +447700316625
Skype: intercomtrans
7. Governing Law
This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland, without regard to its conflict of law principles.
By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Payment Acceptance Policy.
Pyment acceptance policy

Refund Policy

Cases of refunds and refund procedure
Refund Policy for Universal Language Solution LP

This Refund Policy applies to the translation services offered by the Company through the website https://russian-translation.co.uk (the "Services"). This Policy outlines the terms under which refunds may be requested and processed.

1. Cancellation and Refunds for Unused Services
1.1. If a Client cancels an order for Services before the commencement of the translation work, a full refund will be issued.
1.2. Cancellation requests must be made in writing to the Company's designated contact email or through the contact form on our website.
2. Refunds for Completed Work
2.1. Once the translation work has been completed and delivered to the Client, no refunds will be issued.
2.2. The Client is encouraged to review the completed work promptly upon receipt and to notify the Company of any issues or discrepancies within 14 days of delivery.
3. Refunds for Unsatisfactory Work
3.1. If the Client is not satisfied with the quality of the translation work, the Client must provide specific reasons for the dissatisfaction within 14 days of delivery.
3.2. The Company will review the concerns and, if it is determined that the work does not meet the agreed-upon standards, the Company may offer a partial or full refund, or provide a corrected version of the translation.
4. Refunds for Delays
4.1. If the Company fails to deliver the translation work by the agreed-upon deadline, the Client may request a refund.
4.2. The amount of the refund will be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering the extent of the delay and the impact on the Client.
5. Procedure for Refunds
5.1. All refund requests must be made in writing to the Company's designated contact email or through the contact form on our website.
5.2. The Company will acknowledge receipt of the request and will respond within [Insert Time Period, e.g., 5 business days] with the next steps or a resolution.
6. Changes to this Policy
The Company reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised Policy on the Company's website.
7. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or to request a refund, please contact us at:
Email: contact@russian-translation.co.uk
Watsapp: +447700316625
Skype: intercomtrans
8. Governing Law
This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland, without regard to its conflict of law principles.
By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Refund Policy.
Refund Policy

Delivery Policy

Delivery terms and conditions
Delivery Policy for Universal Language Solution LP

This Delivery Policy applies to the delivery of Russian translation services offered by the Company through its website (the "Services"). This Policy outlines the methods and timelines for delivering the completed translation work to our Clients.
1. Delivery Methods
1.1. Electronic Delivery:
The completed translation work will be delivered electronically to the Client's designated email address or made available through a secure online portal, as agreed upon at the time of order placement.
2. Delivery Timeline
2.1. Estimated Delivery:
The estimated delivery timeline for the Services will be communicated to the Client at the time of order placement. This timeline is based on the complexity and volume of the translation work.
2.2. Timely Delivery:
We strive to deliver the Services within the agreed-upon timeframe. In the event of any delays, we will inform the Client promptly and provide an updated delivery estimate.
3. Delivery Confirmation
Upon delivery of the completed translation work, the Client will receive a delivery confirmation via email, which will include the translated documents or a notification of their availability on the secure online portal.
4. Quality Assurance
Before delivery, the translated documents will undergo a quality assurance process to ensure accuracy and adherence to the Client's requirements.
5. Late Delivery
If the Company fails to deliver the Services by the agreed-upon deadline, the Client may be entitled to a refund or other compensation as outlined in our Refund Policy.
6. Contact Information
For any inquiries regarding the delivery of our Services or to discuss specific delivery requirements, please contact us at:
Email: contact@russian-translation.co.uk
Watsapp: +447700316625
Skype: intercomtrans
7. Governing Law
This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland, without regard to its conflict of law principles.
By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Delivery Policy.
Delivery policy

Return Policy

Cases of translation services return
Return Policy for Universal Language Solution LP

This Return Policy applies to the translation services offered by the Company through its website (the "Services"). This Policy outlines the terms under which returns may be requested and processed.
1. Return of Services
Given the nature of our Services, which are digital and intangible, returns are not applicable in the traditional sense. However, we are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction and addressing any concerns related to the quality of our translation work.
2. Quality Concerns
2.1. If the Client is not satisfied with the quality of the translation work, the Client must provide specific reasons for the dissatisfaction within 14 days of delivery.
2.2. The Company will review the concerns and, if it is determined that the work does not meet the agreed-upon standards, the Company may offer a partial or full refund, or provide a corrected version of the translation.
3. Procedure for Addressing Quality Concerns
3.1. Clients should contact us in writing via email or through the contact form on our website to report any quality concerns.
3.2. Upon receipt of the quality concern, the Company will initiate a review process and respond within 5 business days with a resolution or next steps.
4. Changes to this Policy
The Company reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised Policy on the Company's website.
5. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or to report quality concerns, please contact us at:
Email: contact@russian-translation.co.uk
Watsapp: +447700316625
Skype: intercomtrans
6. Governing Law
This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland, without regard to its conflict of law principles.
By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Return Policy.
Return policy

Cancellation Policy

Cases of translation services cancellation
Cancellation Policy for Universal Language Solution LP

This Cancellation Policy (the "Policy") applies to the translation services offered by the Company through its website (the "Services"). This Policy outlines the terms under which cancellations may be requested and processed.

1. Cancellation by the Client
1.1. Clients may cancel their order for Services at any time before the commencement of the translation work.
1.2. To cancel an order, the Client must notify the Company in writing via email or through the contact form on our website.
1.3. If the cancellation request is received before the commencement of the work, the Client will receive a full refund of any amounts paid.
2. Cancellation by the Company
2.1. The Company reserves the right to cancel any order at its discretion.
2.2. If the Company cancels an order, the Client will be notified promptly and will receive a full refund of any amounts paid.
3. Cancellation of Large Projects
3.1. For large projects, the cancellation terms may be more complex and will be outlined in the service agreement or order confirmation.
3.2. In such cases, the cancellation policy may include partial refunds or other arrangements based on the work completed up to the point of cancellation.
4. Procedure for Cancellations
4.1. All cancellation requests must be made in writing to the Company's designated contact email or through the contact form on our website.
4.2. The Company will acknowledge receipt of the request and will respond within [Insert Time Period, e.g., 5 business days] with the next steps or a resolution.
5. Changes to this Policy
The Company reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised Policy on the Company's website.
6. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or to request a cancellation, please contact us at:
Email: contact@russian-translation.co.uk
Watsapp: +447700316625
Skype: intercomtrans
7. Governing Law
This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland, without regard to its conflict of law principles.
By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Cancellation Policy.
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